
- Norwegian

Chamber of Commerce

ENCC is a non-profit organization uniting Estonia and Norway, bringing together service providers and Estonian export companies as well as enterprises interested in Estonia's export products and services.

On the Estonian side, all companies and individuals, supporting companies in the sector today, will be grouped under the ENCC as service providers. Services such as: export consulting, company readiness assessment, accounting, employee registration, translation, websites, language training, product certification, people registration, tax issues.

Cooperation partners fields of expertise

Focus on your professional work and let us deal with bureaucracy and paperwork

Organizing documentation of the Labor Inspectorate

The orderliness of employees' documents in Norway ensures flawless and easy communication with your customers

Accreditation of education in Norway

Let your company's professionals stand out in Norway and therefore increase awareness

Accounting services

The orderliness of the accounting records is the basis for the proper functioning of the company in Norway

Translation services

Stand out with a beautiful and stylish website, documents and marketing materials in Norwegian language
0 M+
Volume of Estonian exports
into Norway a year
0 +
Companies exporting
to Norway from Estonia
0 +
Our work experience over the years
towards Norway

Estonian export sectors in 2020

Norwegian economic environment

Furniture; mattresses, mattress supports, etc.
In value of 109€ million
Wood and wood products
In value of 95€ million
Electrical machinery and equipment, etc.
In value of 37€ million
Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery
In value of 31€ million
Iron and steel products
In value of 23€ million
In value of 15,8€ million
Ships, boats and floating structures
In value of 14,5€ million

Upcoming events


Our members


Mari Kullerkup

CEO of ENCC, Member of the Board
+47 921 72 772
+372 514 6789

Madis Pedai

ENCC member of the board
+47 970 43 301

Paavo Pärn

ENCC member of the board
+372 5645 6651

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Contact us

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